Shipping & Payment
BRUSSELS KETJEP offers several payment options: PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, Bancontact and American Express.
The price of delivery will vary according to the carrier and/or the weight of your order, according to the rates below. Please note that any orders made from outside of the European Union may be subject to customs fees that are borne by the Customer. For more details, please refer to Article 2 of our Terms and Conditions.
We don’t ship to your place yet? Contact us via the contact form or by email at
Important information : a 300ml bottle of sauce actually weighs 400gr.
You can also pick up your order in our store at 1731 Chaussée de Wavre – 1160 Auderghem (BELGIUM). We are open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. In this case, no delivery charges will apply.